falling satellites造句


  1. 'Falling Satellites', the third studio album by Frost * was released on 27 May 2016.
  2. Any debris that reached Earth from a falling satellite probably impacted somewhere in Egypt, NASA officials said Thursday.
  3. Any debris that reached Earth from a falling satellite probably crashed somewhere in Egypt, NASA officials said Thursday.
  4. The falling satellite was radar tracked by the U . S . Space Command Space Control Center in Colorado.
  5. The National Weather Service issued an information statement alerting residents of sonic booms due to the falling satellite debris.
  6. It's difficult to find falling satellites in a sentence. 用falling satellites造句挺难的
  7. The tour will promote the band's third studio album,'Falling Satellites', released in May 2016.
  8. Sometimes when player has shot down a number of B-24s, he or she would encounter a falling satellite across the screen.
  9. The falling satellite was tracked by radar by the North American Aerospace Defense Command, the Air Force command known as NORAD that monitors space satellites.
  10. The falling satellite was being tracked by radar by the North American Aerospace Defense Command, the Air Force command known as NORAD that monitors space satellites.
  11. David's team, meanwhile, attempts to escape France in a Humvee sent to rescue them only to be caught in a meteor shower, which turns out to be falling satellites.
  12. But when Wentz and co-author Matthias Schabel took the falling satellite effect into account, they found the lower troposphere was warming 0.13 degrees Fahrenheit ( 0.07 Celsius ) per decade.
  13. FALLING EUVE : Map of world shows ground track of satellite orbit and approximate location of re-entry; 2c x 3 3 / 8 inches; 96 mm x 86 mm; with BC-Falling Satellite; MOVED Thursday, Jan . 31.
  14. Arriving back in Earth's solar system, Superman's powers are restored just in time to stop the chestburster from emerging, allowing him to " crush " it and regurgitate out of his system before catching the falling satellite, Kimble subsequently killing the last Alien.


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  10. "falling short of"造句

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